Saturday, January 15, 2011

The 12 Pillars of Jim Rohn´s "One Year Success Plan":

The 12 Pillars of Jim Rohn´s "One Year Success Plan":

1. Personal Development

2. Goal Setting

3. Health; spiritual, physical, emotional

4. Money; financial independence, getting out of debt, saving, giving

5. Relationships

6. Time Management

7. Networking/Referrals

8. Selling/Negotiating

9. Communication/Presentation

10. Leadership

11. Accelerated Learning

12. Legacy/Contribution

I really believe this is one of the most comprehensive success plans out there.

One of the main advantages is that it allows you to focus on one topic at the time. I think that focus is key to succeeding in anything. Do it step by step. If you want to improve your life, be patient and good to yourself. Results come from perseverance, usually not overnight.

Additionally, be realistic about the changes, even if you want to, you will not lose all that overweight in one month (it wouldn´t be healthy and sustainable anyway). You do it through changing your habits, your thinking and your values. And the same is true for all other changes you want in life. The Jim Rohn "One Year Success Plan" teaches you to plan for success. To plan for financial independence, strong relationships, excellent health and personal growth. And then take action.

This personal development web site is an indirect result of following the advice in Jim Rohn´s Success Plan. It has taught me so much, that I just want to share that knowledge with others seeking to improve their lives. It is a kind of contribution. A way of giving.

In addition to the excellent "One Year Success Plan" I really enjoy listening to Jim Rohn on numerous CD:s, DVD:S and audio programs online. I access all of this educational material trough my computer. The reasons I love Jim Rohn´s audios is that they are never boring, but full of wisdom, knowledge and fun. There are countless of inspirational quotes from Jim Rohn. Here is a selection:

"The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch."

"Don´t mistake movement for achievement. It´s easy to get fakes out by being busy. The question is: Busy doing what?"

"Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time, effort and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep any relationship flourishing and growing."

"Make sure the outside of you is a good reflection of the inside of you." (Yes! Personal development INSIDE OUT!) :)

"Some people don´t do well simply because they don´t feel well."

"You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight."

I will most likely add a lot more about Jim Rohn here as time goes by, because he is such a great influence in my life. For now, I will just end this page with another quote of his that nicely summarizes my own belief:

"The big challenge in life is to become all that you have the possibility of becoming. You cannot believe what it does to the human spirit to maximize your human potential and stretch yourself to the limit."

(Jim Rohn)

Creative Goal-Setting for Kids or Teens

Creative Goal-Setting for Kids or Teens by Denis Waitley

An Indian guide who displayed uncanny skills in navigating the rugged regions of the Southwest was asked how he did it. “What is your secret of being an expert tracker and trailblazer?” a visitor asked him.

The guide answered: “There is no secret. One must only possess the far vision and the near look. The first step is to determine where you want to go. Then you must be sure that each step you take is a step in that direction.”

A dream is what you would like for life to be. A goal is what you intend to make happen. A goal is the near look; what, specifically, you intend to do on a daily basis to get there.

No matter what their current ages, try to determine the sensory learning style of each of your children: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. Visual learners understand and remember best what they see. Auditory learners prefer to hear and verbalize in order to comprehend. Kinesthetic learners need to involve touch and movement into the processing of new concepts, and to learn by doing. All of these styles have some overlap because we all use hearing, seeing and doing. But keep these styles in mind when you stimulate your children’s creative and goal-setting activities.

To build a pattern of positive expectations for your children, they need a way to keep score. Children know they are doing well when the task or project is well defined and the goals are clearly stated. How can a child experience the thrill of hitting the bull’s eye when he or she doesn’t know what the target is? Kids need to see the end before they begin a task or they will lose interest. When you are giving your child a task, such as cleaning her room, be specific in telling her what you want her to do and when you want it done and stick to it. By providing a clear and specific ending, your child can look forward to enjoying time with her friends when the task is completed.

Goals are the target of success! Who you see is who you’ll be. What you set is what you get. Help your kids get the far vision, the dream. Help them get the near look, the steps and action plans that pave the road to their dreams. Participate in your children’s games, problem-solving exercises, field trips and creative projects. Instead of telling them how things work, help them learn to discover the “hows” and “whys.”

Help your children dream about their future. Set the example by jotting down and cutting pictures out to describe family dreams. Assist them in defining their own goals and writing them down on index cards. Post the cards in their bedroom or on a board where they can see and review their goals daily.

Help your kids prioritize their goals. Have them consider their goals in the order of their importance. Place beside each written goal, a proposed target date for the attainment of that goal.

Help your child make plans. Unfortunately, many kids view problems as insurmountable mountains. Your role as parents is to help them view problems as opportunities. Teach them to go over, around, under or to bore a hole right through their roadblocks.

Show children how to prepare a daily “to do” list. In the evening, help prepare a list of a few important things to do the following day. At the end of the day, help them review their progress. By using index cards, you can use a file box to store daily activity cards. Monthly, quarterly and yearly, let them go through the cards in the box, to see all they have accomplished through step-by-step actions.

Help your kids to visualize, in advance, what the accomplishment of their goals looks and feels like. Bedtime is an ideal setting, where you can see in their imaginations where they want to be, what they want to do, and things they will have to work and save for to get.

Build goals and evaluations around the school year. When you go over your child’s report card, discuss the goals that he set for himself and how he is doing toward achieving those goals. Share with your child any comments teachers might have regarding his grades.

Kids need rewards and behavior that gets rewarded gets repeated, especially if they understand that the reward is coming when the goal is accomplished. Rewards do not have to be strictly financial, but can be going out for an ice cream or whatever your child enjoys doing. By rewarding goal-directed behavior, you are providing additional incentive to achieve almost any goal.

SAVE now when you choose from dozens of remarkable Goal-Setting programs from top experts, including Jim Rohn, Chris Widener, Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley and more! Click here now to shop!

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Importance of Entrepreneurship By Justin Timory

Importance of Entrepreneurship
By Justin Timory

The topic of entrepreneurship is a very popular one among students of business and administration but it has not always been so. During the time before 1960, many economists had understood the importance of entrepreneurship yet tended to underrate it. To start off, they laid their attention on big companies not realizing the fact that it is actually the newer and smaller firms that generate most of the new jobs.
Additionally, the role of the entrepreneur to organize new productive resources to increase the supply seemed not to be important among the dominant school of economies, which were only interested in managing consumer demand by promoting product purchase from customers.

During the 1970s, everything about the previous concept of entrepreneurialism has changed because economies primarily concerned with demand have failed to prevent constant inflation. The economists during that time have begun to worry about the fact that productivity was increasing much less faster than before. This has made them more interested in the supply of goods and services and this is where the entrepreneurs earned their break.

The importance of entrepreneurship has been realized and understood during this time and after because it holds at least four social benefits: it fosters economic growth, increases productivity, creates new technology and it rejuvenates the competition in the market.

One of the main reasons why the economists of that time started placing their eyes on the small new firms is that they seem to have provided the most jobs within their economy. In the United States alone, more than four fifths of all new employment comes from small firms. Out of all these openings, more than 30 percent are provided by businesses that have been around no less than 5 years. Yet not all small businesses are job creators but only those that are relatively young and expand rapidly during their early stages.

Being able to produce more goods and services with lesser labor and having other input increased much less rapidly especially in the US in the 1970s compared to 1950s to 1960s. Many of the economists conclude and still believe that this is the most fundamental problem that is plaguing the country. The greater reason why interest in entrepreneurship has increased is that they have recognized its role of raising the productivity of the country.

Also, a major impetus that has propelled their drive to research about productivity measures is the international competition during that time. The conclusion as to why people should take the importance of entrepreneurship seriously is that in order for countries to maintain a high standard in living, they should be productive in their business sector.
Tired of working for someone else? Be the boss! Learn how to unlock the entrepreneur in you and start building your own business. Click here to know more.

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The Qualities and Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur By Peter O Osalor

The Qualities and Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur
By Peter O Osalor

Entrepreneurial activities are on the rise in Nigeria. This is mainly as a result of the lack of jobs that plague many Nigerians including university graduates. A study carried out by Gallup showed that 67 percent of Nigerians are willing to start their own businesses. Furthermore, 80 percent of those interviewed believed that their businesses would be successful in Nigeria. This is a large percentage as compared to the results of other West African countries whose median for those willing to start a business was 44 percent. This trend has not gone unnoticed and the former Nigerian president, Olusegun Obasanjo even mandated that entrepreneurial skills be taught to all university students irrespective of their major.

All this is in line with the Nigerian Economic Policy for 1999-2003 whose purpose is to promote education through the use of technology. The Nigerian president also has big plans for the country one of them being to see Nigeria as one of the top 20 economies of the world by the year 2020. This, he hopes will come to pass if the policy is duly implemented. According to this policy, one other way that these ambitious goals can be achieved is by partnering up with certain agencies such as the Fate Foundation in Nigeria and the United Nations Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate Nationals (TOTKEN) which are dedicated to encourage entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurs in Nigeria face unique challenges that hinder their entrepreneurial spirit and encourage rampant corruption. Nigeria has been previously known as one of the most corrupt countries in the world and this discouraged free enterprise. Nigeria has also been largely dependent on the income from oil that other economic sectors have been grossly underdeveloped. During the oil boom period of between 1973 and 1980, Nigeria's GDP rose to $1,100 in 1980 from the previous $220 in 1971. However, due to inappropriate government policies Nigeria's economy was left vulnerable. Investment was made mostly with the oil industry in mind that other sectors such as the manufacturing and the agricultural sector was rendered noncompetitive.

The fall of oil prices all over the world during the 1980's combined with a general increase in the capital markets real interest rates, greatly affected the domestic and international fiscal situation of Nigeria. This led to a general economic slump which was characterized by a significant fall in GDP from 1,100 in the 1980's to $340. According to the World Development Report of 1994, Nigeria had dropped from being a middle income level country into one of the poorest countries in the world. A devaluation of this kind created very high inflation, a general spread in poverty and high unemployment rates.

Other factors that have affected entrepreneurship in Nigeria include poor infrastructure, high cost of doing business, constant political, tribal, religious and ethnic violence, gender discrimination and lack of quality education. However, measures are being taken to cub all these negative influences and to make Nigeria conducive for entrepreneurship. Despite all the challenges that have affected the Nigerian economy, business development and entrepreneurship has taken root. It is especially known that individuals from the Ibo ethnic group have great entrepreneurial skills. The number of private firms has greatly increased since the 1980's although they are quite small when it comes to employment, revenues and capital. Nigeria currently ranks second after South Africa in terms of GDP and if proper measures are taken and appropriate policies adopted then it may as well take the top spot.

Starting any type of a business requires planning, imagination or creativity, inner drive to succeed and of course hard work. However, the main traits and characteristics of entrepreneurs that make their businesses stand out from the crowd include; the desire to achieve. Entrepreneurs are people who highly desire to achieve. An entrepreneur should not wait for things to happen but should rather make them happen. They are also highly competitive and would always try to be informed about latest entrepreneurial developments. Entrepreneurs are also self starters. This is to mean that they motivate themselves to do something. They do not need an incentive to do anything but the desire to succeed is enough to get then started. They would rather make their own mistakes and learn from them

Entrepreneurship also requires hard work. As entrepreneurs, it is important to know that success does not come in a silver platter but has to be worked for. Entrepreneurs realize that they have to put in a lot of time and effort to see there dream come true. Focus is also another very essential characteristic of an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs know what they want and will do anything to achieve that. This is related to positive thinking in that they believe that everything will turn out well in the end no matter what. Entrepreneurs are also non conformers and almost always wanting to stand out of the crowd. A successful Nigerian entrepreneur should also avoid being pinned down to anything and instead make their own goals and objectives rather than working for someone else.

Entrepreneurs are also born leaders. Good leaders inspire trust in others and motivate them to do something. A good leader efficiently influences, guides and directs people. This trait is especially important when hiring people for the newly founded business. An entrepreneur should possess good judgmental skills and be sharp and bright capable of making wise decisions. Good communication skills are also a must for an entrepreneur. This means that a successful entrepreneur can efficiently convey a message which will be clearly understood. This trait only works well if one is also a keen listener. Entrepreneurs are risk takers. Running a business in itself is a risk because if one does not make calculated choices it could easily collapse. Successful entrepreneurs therefore, take calculated risks in order to succeed. Entrepreneurship also requires dedication. Entrepreneurs tend to stick to their ventures no matter what. They do not easily give up and when they make a mistake, they learn and move on rather than obsessing on that one failure.

Starting and running a business has its ups and down and the ability to stick by it defines a true Nigerian entrepreneur. Creativity and innovation is also another trait that characterizes a successful entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs will always look for new ways of doing things. They are not afraid to try out new ideas and are highly imaginative. Their products or services therefore usually have an edge due to this creativeness. Generally, Nigerian entrepreneurs need a strong spirit that will endure all the trials and tribulations that come with a business. Nigerian entrepreneurs therefore need to make informed choices before deciding to enter into entrepreneurship.
Peter Osalor is a multi-skilled director, chairman of trusts, proprietor and consultant. Peter Osalor has been a successful entrepreneur since 1992 when he formed Peter Osalor & Co and which has since grown to a very large client base with a turnover of millions. He is currently a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Nigeria (ICAN). Peter is also a member of the Chartered Tax Advisors and the Chartered Institute of Taxation in Nigeria (CITN).

He is a business mentor for Princess Trust in the UK. He is a member of the Inter Governmental Committee of ICAN and also a member of BCBC, which represents Black Church Membership of Christians whose responsibility is to ensure that the Christian businesses are not left out in the business opportunities arising from the 2012 Olympic Games In London.

Currently he is one of the professionals behind the Entrepreneur Revolution and Africa Entrepreneurs ( ). His T V program called success in your business ( ) has become a massive hit in Nigeria

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Becoming an Entrepreneur - 8 Questions to Ask Before You Take the Leap By Anne Culver Noble

Becoming an Entrepreneur - 8 Questions to Ask Before You Take the Leap
By Anne Culver Noble

It's scary out there. A healthy respect for the powers of the ocean is necessary to survive when you go for a sail, surf, or a swim. Building your own business is no different. Give serious thought and considerable preparation to your endeavor before you make the transition from an employee, or a self-employed professional, to that of an entrepreneur.

Do you have job burn-out or a burning desire? In other words, are you really ready for entrepreneurship or just tired of your job? Not everyone is able to work for themselves effectively. Most people operate better with the structure and built-in accountability that working for someone else, for a corporation or for a government entity provides. Take the responsibility to take you life in your own hands and create your destiny.
Are you an entrepreneur or a consultant? Many people make the mistake of thinking that once they've left the corporate world that they are instantly an entrepreneur. They are in business for themselves; that is true. However, as long as you are compensated for your time, you are limited by two things; 1.) The amount of money people are willing to pay for your service and 2.) The number of hours in a day. In other words, an entrepreneur's time and money are leveraged by his or her business model, and not determined by a given market.
Are you a risk taker? You don't have to be an adrenalin junkie to be an entrepreneur, but you need to be reasonably comfortable with uncertainty. Deepak Chopra once said he prayed for uncertainty. It seems an enigma at first, but in fact, uncertainty is a gift that is the very stuff of life; the juicy stuff. I believe this is one of the key factors that distinguish the spirit of the entrepreneur.
What is your vision and why is it important to you? Develop a crystal clear vision of where you want to go and what you want to offer the world. Your vision will evolve, but it will be a vision none-the-less. Make it measurable so you can mark progress. Equally important or perhaps even more so, is your reason for taking this road less traveled. Is it your family? A desire to serve others? An unstoppable driving creative necessity?
What is your business plan? Don't skip this step; fail to plan and plan to fail. There are countless templates online and software packages for developing a business plan. Write out your vision or mission statement and the core values that provide the foundation for your business endeavor. Project your business plan five years out at a minimum, including your capital investments, projected costs and income. Seek out similar successful businesses to provide a model.
Are you prepared financially? You may be using other peoples' money, investors, loans or credit for your business, but your personal financial situation should be such that you can weather six months to a year of little or no income. Don't forget your own salary in your business plan.
What is the most effective means of marketing your business? How will you take your goods or services to market? You must know your target market like you know the back of your hand. This will determine the most effective marketing strategies whether it involves print, billboards, Google, or social networking. Internet marketing requires a learning curve that is constant. Get comfortable with ever-changing technology.
Are you crazy? I'm kidding, of course, but I am suggesting that you seek professional help. If you are one who believes that doing something right means doing it yourself, you are in for a fast and lonely ride to failure. Assemble your Master Mind Advisory Board. You do not have to be brilliant to be an entrepreneur but you absolutely must be smart enough to surround yourself with people who know more than you can possibly know in a multitude of disciplines and areas of expertise. This should include your own personal development as well. The best investment you can make is in yourself. Find good coaches, mentors and people who inspire you.

So, if your consideration of these questions does leave you with a burning desire and determination, you are an entrepreneur. Get clear on you vision, be willing to stick your neck out, and prepare your business and financial plan. "Your playing small does not serve the world," states Marianne Williamson. This is true of your personal development as well as your business development. Dig deep and play big. A business doesn't grow overnight but with your actions in alignment with your highest intentions, things can happen quickly and assistance can come from unexpected sources. For resources, marketing strategies, training and a powerful business model, contact me for more information.
Anne Culver Noble
Author and Entrepreneur
A Noble Pursuit, LLC

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5 Ways to Work Effectively, Anywhere By Allison Way

5 Ways to Work Effectively, Anywhere
By Allison Way

Entrepreneurs have been known to work in crazy places, at crazy hours, in crazy ways. You may see them typing away at a Starbucks, easily downing over 6 cups of black coffee. You may see them crunching numbers at the airport while stuffing their daughter's souvenir from Disney World into a suitcase. You may see them working in pajamas, on a park bench, in the car, upside-down, on the phone, in the basement. And no matter where these entrepreneurs are; they seem to always be working on something!

The most effective entrepreneurs, however, are the ones that sit down in a spot and focus solely on their work. From the local coffee shop to the business incubator, entrepreneurs know how to get work done. But what if I told you that entrepreneurs are most productive under certain "office" circumstances? Apply these aspects to whatever "workspace" you may be in and you will be a more productive entrepreneur all around:

1. Organize Your Work

A messy desk, a disorganized binder or an unfiltered email account does not make you look busier, it makes you look sloppy. Organize any workspace by:

Removing personal items from your desk
At the end of the day, throw away or recycle papers that you no longer need to carry with you
Use a spam blocker and filter through your email once a day to clean it out
Keep Post-Its at a minimum
Use an organizational binder or folder


Everybody's heard it: KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. When clutter is blocking your way of work, it is obviously doing you more harm than good. Only display office décor that truly makes you proud or is a very recent accomplishment. No need to thumbtack posters to the wall or keep a dead plant by the window.

3. Find a Style

If you have an office, home office, cubicle or just desk space in a business incubator, be sure that you find your own subtle style. If you decide to decorate with trinkets, err on the side of subtlety.

4. Find Inspiration in Your Workplace

An entrepreneur's work place must be inspirational. Since an entrepreneur must be creative all day long, they will often need stimulation throughout the workday to keep their brains firing. Find a place that inspires you! And once you have found that place, if possible, decorate it with more aspects that tend to inspire.

5. Get Comfortable

Entrepreneurs have been known to work long hours throughout the day. Therefore, you must be comfortable when you're working. Be sure to find a comfortable desk and a comfortable chair when you are doing work. At the same time, however, don't get too comfortable. Often times, reclining on a Lazyboy or lying on a bed while doing work can lead to a "leisurely" feel and can decrease the productivity of entrepreneurs.

No matter where you're working, be sure to implement these 5 key ingredients. It will boost your creativity, productivity and efficiency while at work!
Allison Way is a writer and videographer for Think Big Partners and bizperc, two of Kansas City's newest entrepreneurial resources. Allison also writes for the Think Big Kansas City Blog, the Kansas City Entrepreneurship Examiner, Helium, BrooWaha, and NewsVine.

Article Source:,-Anywhere&id=5666664

Ideas For A Business To Start - Stop Day Dreaming And Focus On These 7 Items By Nigel Pitcairn

Ideas For A Business To Start - Stop Day Dreaming And Focus On These 7 Items
By Nigel Pitcairn

Many times I hear people asking for ideas for a business to start. My response is always the same. What do you want from your business? It's not the idea that is going to make you wealthy or create your dream life. I've seen many of my friends invest in some incredible "ideas" that have a huge market and would be widely used. After hundreds of thousands of dollars and lots of bickering the business failed everyone lost out. So instead of looking for ideas for a business to start here are some time-tested ideas that will lead you to being a happy business owner. Now forget thinking about ideas for a business to start and start focusing on these 7 items.

It doesn't matter what business you get into. Fortunes have been made and lost in just about every business you can think of. There are millionaires who made their money selling shoelaces. Do your research and find a business that fits your needs. No need to think about ideas for a business to start.
Consider buying an already established business. This throws out ideas for a business to start, however you will get to see a lot of businesses you may never have considered before. Not only that you will get the chance to see how the business is performing before spending your hard earned money and precious time.
Focus on management, systems and strategy the average small business will make the owner a living, at the end of the day the owner just owns a job. Like I mentioned above any viable business can make an exorbitant amount of money.
Everyone needs a coach and or mentor. Everyone who is at the top of their field has a mentor, coach or both. Often times it's a formal relationship where there is financial compensation and sometimes profit sharing. Other times it's a more informal relationship. In the beginning look for someone who is semi-retired and was in the same industry you are thinking about getting into. Also look at people who are successful business owners. The fundamentals of a successful business are the same across industries. Hire specialists for your current challenge or struggle.
Very few people have actually built the type of business that people are thinking about when they think about ideas for a business to start. In my experience one of the things most commonly overlooked and generally laughed at is having formal corporate governance. Both LLCs and Corporations need to have a formal corporate governance structure. I've found working with my clients over the years that taking the time to hold and document board meetings and annual owners meetings makes a dramatic difference in the way the business grows and how fulfilling the ownership experience is.
Attend seminars. Even if you haven't started a business yet attending a business seminar can be a very useful way to spend your time and money. Seminars can range from free to tens of thousands of dollars. Start with a free to a few hundred dollars. Don't let the price fool you. I've attending some seminars that were less than $100 and gotten great value.
Start networking. If you haven't started or bought your business yet don't be afraid to start networking, your local chamber of commerce is a great place to start. Don't be afraid to go up to people and start a conversation sometime when you're a new face it can be intimidating. Go and introduce yourself and ask a bunch of questions. People love to talk about themselves and their businesses. Use this to your advantage. Just please don't ask them for ideas for a business to start! Ask them questions about marketing, management, taxes, and the local marketplace. If you find one or two people who seem to be a wealth of knowledge ask if you can treat them to lunch sometime and pick their brain some more. One caution though. Beware that there are some people who will talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Also be wary of people who want you to invest your money with them. I've seen some horror stories where people have been taken advantage of.

Hopefully you are no longer looking for ideas for a business to start and searching for what will be fulfilling to you as an owner. Do them a favor and tell them to throw away searching for ideas for a business to start.
Nigel Pitcairn is CEO of Corporate Correct. ideas for a business to start

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How to Be a Successful Businessman in Four Ways By Donald Pang

How to Be a Successful Businessman in Four Ways
By Donald Pang

Being rich is desired all over the world; simply because it guarantees survival. Not only that, wealth in excess is power and also glamorous. Everyone wants to be rich for so many reasons. Successful businessman enjoys whizzing around in Ferraris, mingle with A-list celebrities, and they seem to have an endless list of yacht parties to attend.

If you do not have the luxury of being born rich, there are other ways to earn your dollars. Here are four ways to become a successful & famous businessman in no particular order. For best effects, apply all four aspects to your current or future business venture!

#1 Never Invest Huge Sums of Your Own Money

It is a general rule of thumb for business people to minimize losses. Successful businessmen will usually be busy preparing proposals to pitch for money. That is what all those important-sounding meetings, PowerPoint presentations and phone calls are about.

- Research well on possible sponsors. The internet is your best friend.
- Networking to develop business contacts will help. You will get information faster by asking the right people.
- If you are starting out your own business, look out for government grants for entrepreneurship projects.

#2 Hire the Best

Hire a team of professionals for the best results possible. If not, hiring an expert consultant who is capable of training others will increase overall staff performance.

- Bill Gates hired professionals to get his business started. He did not further his Harvard education, but he sure knew the value of skill leveraging.
- Having trustable and efficient people on your team will help relieve workload. They can also suggest better methods to increase profits.
- Find highly motivated professionals who enjoy the work they do. A positive work environment leads to good work performance.

#3 Deliver the Best Products

A legitimate and successful business should always strive to deliver the best products to consumers. Serving your customers should usually be the main focus of your company. And they usually expect the best for their money's worth.

- Research on your consumers to find out what they like and what they do not.
- Never sell something you will not recommend to others. Not only will you lose passion in your business when money is tight, the public will be
- Keeping the best products around will keep customers coming back for more.

#4 Learn to Run a Business

The world's most highly effective billionaires know the ins and outs of their business. This is crucial for them to make effective and successful executive decisions. Going back to business school will empower you to:

- Leverage the talents of the best people in their company to achieve sales results.
- Execute well-crafted marketing strategies professionally.
- Garner respect from your staff by knowing your work and doing it well.
- Gain credibility from customers and people you work with.
- Analyze successes and failures of other businesses so you can add useful elements into your own business.

Want to find out more business school will empower you to:

- Leverage the talents of the best people in their company to achieve sales results.
- Execute well-crafted marketing strategies professionally.
- Garner respect from your staff by knowing your work and doing it well.
- Gain credibility from customers and people you work with.
- Analyze successes and failures of other businesses so you can add useful elements into your own business.
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The 7 Traits of an Exceptional & Successful Entrepreneur

The 7 Traits of an Exceptional & Successful Entrepreneur
By Robert Moment

How often have you either referred to or considered the expression, "Success is a journey and not a Destination?" Probably many times, yet often being in a hurry to get there, we forget that success is not an end unto itself, but is instead an ongoing process.

Though some people seem to have the Midas touch and easily turn everything to gold, most of us have to give our endeavors lots of time, effort and the sweat of our brow before seeing things come to fruition. The simple truth is that the majority of us are simply not born leaders, but become leaders by who we are and the actions we take. Consequently, whether or not you're an established entrepreneur or just starting out on your journey, there are particular traits you'll usually find operating within the exceptional entrepreneur. In fact there are 7 particular traits you'll generally discover deeply embedded within the exceptional and successful businessperson.

If you've already taken the plunge as an entrepreneur, you know that it takes a great deal of planning, development and strategic marketing to succeed. At any given time, there are changes to be considered and new directions to examine. In which case, whether you're the CEO, CFO, Chief Marketer or Chief Solutions Officer of your company, your journey to success is probably full of trials and tribulations.

To support you in your journey to success, be willing to open your mind and sense of reasoning as you consider whether these traits are part of your driving force. If they are not yet ingrained within you, I recommend that you give them some thought.


1) Successful Entrepreneurs Gain the Respect of their Peers

One of the first and most obvious characteristics you'll see operating in an exceptional entrepreneur is an equitable and unbiased disposition . Plain and simple the successful entrepreneur recognizes that no one is above or below. With an attitude of respect for others, the successful entrepreneur gains the respect from everyone they encounter. Strategies, attitudes and methods filter down to each person and reflect on all actions and activities. A successful entrepreneur gives everyone the space to be great. No matter how effective or beneficial your expertise, becoming a successful entrepreneur requires building up of your character muscles, traits and habits, which correspondingly make your dreams a reality.

2) Successful Entrepreneurs Believe and Trust in Themselves

The savvy entrepreneur is good at trusting his or her own ideas and instincts. Starting out as an entrepreneur requires persistence, determination and a high level of self-discipline. Continuing as a successful entrepreneur requires even more persistence, determination and self-discipline. The wise and successful entrepreneur knows this and works hard at developing their level of confidence. If you have a strong code of ethics and believe in yourself, then your ideas can work. Having the desire and passion are the first steps on your journey; getting there requires believing in yourself.

3) Successful Entrepreneurs Follow a Plan

The successful entrepreneur follows a plan. Haphazard or trial and error have no place for the triumphant entrepreneur, for no one gets to his or her destination without a map or a guide to follow. That doesn't mean you won't go off course if another road seems better, but it's still more effective to have a plan in place. Most successful entrepreneurs start out by writing a basic business plan that acts as the impetus and guide for their endeavors. It doesn't have to be fancy or lengthy but it should include marketing strategies, goals, intentions, ideas and why you can do better than your competition. A business plan should be reviewed and updated periodically for each new idea stirs and inspires other ideas.

4) Successful Entrepreneurs Think Creatively

Successful entrepreneurs are not afraid of thinking creatively. Whether a business idea has already been tried makes no difference to the exceptional entrepreneur. He or she sees better ways of doing things and knows that every idea can be expanded upon, made better, enhanced or broadened . The successful entrepreneur is willing to think outside or the proverbial box, which means using imagination, trying new things and expanding on a vision. The savvy entrepreneur pays careful attention as to whether a particular strategy is working. If after giving it his or her best shot the entrepreneur realizes the particular strategy isn't working, they know there's no point in continuing to invest energy, time and effort in the strategy. They move on to another approach and idea.

5)Successful Entrepreneurs Explore Their Exceptional Skills

Successful entrepreneurs realize that we each have our strengths and weaknesses as well as a multitude of skills and talents. Successful people ask themselves often what skills they have that no one shares in quite the same way. An exceptional and successful entrepreneur explores their particular skills until they find the ones that match most closely with their ideal. They don't try to be and do everything. If the successful entrepreneur needs help, they're willing to find someone who can do it better, and allows in the support. The successful entrepreneur stays open to change for they recognize that as they move forward, doors open in unexpected places that carry them to their next level of success.

6) Successful Entrepreneurs Envision Their Success

The successful entrepreneur gives time to envisioning how they want their business to look and how they want it to be. Intention is a powerful and dynamic tool. For those who are not inclined towards intention and visualization, talk to a successful athlete and you'll discover that before each sporting event, the successful athlete envisions exactly how he or she wants things to turn out. Imagine what it will feel like when you've reached a particular set of goals. Get in touch with the feelings, you'd have as a successful entrepreneur. Practice and conceive of the sense of empowerment and the joy of having succeeded. The successful entrepreneur knows they have the power to live life the way they want, but to make it a reality, they know it has to be seen first.

7) Successful Entrepreneurs Never Give Up

Giving up is never in the vocabulary of the successful entrepreneur. Of course there may be days when a successful entrepreneur feels discouraged or disappointed, but giving up is not an option. Having faith, trust, confidence and determination are the qualities needed for the successful entrepreneur. To keep their focus on track, they seek out the support of those that know them, encourage them and bring out their natural enthusiasm. The smart and successful entrepreneur realizes that there will be good days and not so good days. Being a successful entrepreneur requires accepting the ebbs and flows of business for it is in fact what separates the exceptional and successful entrepreneur from the one who gives up far too soon.

© 2004
Robert Moment, author,business coach and success strategist is the author of a best-selling book, "It Only Takes A Moment to Score". Founder of The Moment Group, a small business coaching & consulting firm. Robert, help entrepreneurs harness their potential and soar to new height. Contact or visit his website at

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Saturday, January 01, 2011

Take Control of Your Dreams

Take Control of Your Dreams
Charting a Course to Reach Them

Brian Tracy

Imagine arriving on the outskirts of a large city and being told to drive to a particular home or office there. But there are no road signs and you have no map. In fact, all you have is a very general description of the home or office, so finding it would be very much a matter of luck. Sadly, this is the way most people live their lives.

Most people start life traveling aimlessly through an unmapped and uncharted world. This is the equivalent of starting off in life with no goals and plans. They simply figure things out as they go along. Often, 10 or 20 years of work will go past and they will still be broke, unhappy in their jobs, dissatisfied with their marriages and making little progress. And still, they will go home every night and watch television, wishing and hoping things will get better. But they seldom do. Not by themselves.

Earl Nightingale wrote, “Happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal or goal.” Goals fulfi ll the greatest need of human beings—a sense of meaning and purpose in life. One of the great benefits of goal-setting is that you control the direction of change in your life. Setting goals, working toward them day by day, and ultimately achieving them is the key to happiness in life.

"You are completely responsible for everything you are today, for everything you think, say and do, and for everything you become from this moment forward."

In more than 50 years of research, psychologists have determined that your locus of control is the determining factor of your happiness or unhappiness in life. People with an external locus of control—those who typically don’t set goals—feel controlled by external factors, by their boss, their bills, their marriage, their childhood problems and their current situation. They feel out of control, and as a result, they feel weak, angry, fearful, negative, hostile and disempowered. People who do set goals often operate with an internal locus of control—they feel in complete control of their lives. They feel strong, confident and powerful. They are generally optimistic and positive. They feel terrific about themselves and very much in charge of their direction in life.

The starting point of goal-setting is to realize you have virtually unlimited potential to be, have or do anything you really want in life if you simply want it badly enough and are willing to work long enough and hard enough to achieve it. So, what do you really want to do with your life? What do you want to be or to have in life? You should return to this question over and over again in the months and years ahead. Remember, you can’t hit a target you can’t see.

Brian Tracy is a top management consultant to more than 500 corporations, including IBM, Xerox and Hewlett-Packard. He is the author of dozens of books, including the best-selling Goals! How to Get Everything You Want, Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible.

Take Control of Your Finances

Take Control of Your Finances
Managing Your Money

Dave Ramsey

I believe with everything within me that your most powerful wealth-building tool is your income. Ideas, strategies, goals, vision, focus and even creative thinking are vastly important, but until you get control and full use of your income to build wealth, you will not build and keep wealth. To build wealth, you will have to regain control of your income.

When we fail to plan, we plan to fail and so there is always too much month left at the end of the money. Everyone needs a written budget.

Sometimes I hear, “Well, I kinda, sorta know where my money is, ya know. I know what it is going to, ya know. I do my planning in my mind, ya know.” Having a written plan is absolutely necessary. Kinda, sorta knowing what’s going on with your money isn’t going to get you to your goals. Developing a written plan gathers, organizes, categorizes and analyzes information about your money situation. As you do your written plan, you will be amazed that answers to money problems will appear easily.

Set up a new written budget every month. At first it may take a while, but the process will get faster. My wife, Sharon, and I used to spend hours on our budget, and now we only spend a few minutes each month. Don’t try to have the perfect budget for the perfect month because you’ll never have those.

Spend every dollar on paper before the month begins. Give every dollar of your income a name before the month begins—that’s called a zero-based budget. Income minus outgo equals zero every month. Look at this month’s income and this month’s bills, savings and debts, and match them up until you have given every income dollar an outgo name.

"Don’t try to have the perfect budget for the perfect month because you’ll never have those."

Every dollar of your money should fit in a category, even if you need to make up new ones. The basic categories include saving, housing, utilities, food, transportation, medical, personal, recreation and debt. Don’t forget to include saving for things that aren’t monthly, such as Christmas, birthdays, taxes and insurance premiums. If you have an irregular income due to commissions, self-employment or bonuses, you still must do a written budget before each month begins. In your case, adding up what your outgo is each month is a form of goal-setting. It tells you what you have to earn in order to cover all the outgo you will have. Prioritize your bills, savings and debts in order of importance, not urgency. Ask yourself, “If I only have enough money to pay one thing, what would that be?” Move this way through the list. Stick to it! As the income comes in, work your way down this list.

It may take two to three months before your budget is correct, but keep trying. This is key to your financial success.

Dave Ramsey is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host and host of The Dave Ramsey Show on Fox Business Network. He’s a best-selling author of many books, including The Total Money Makeover.

Back to the Take Control of Your Life self-assessment quiz.


Take Control of Your Life
Your happiness is in your hands.

Deepak Chopra Richard Eyre Robert Kiyosaki Dave Ramsey Jim Rohn Brian Tracy

We can’t do it all, so we do most things poorly—on a good day. And we’ve lived like this for so long that we don’t even realize how very far we are from reaching our potential!

Most times, we’re just reacting, as though we’re being jerked to and fro by some gigantic remote-control device. We’re trying desperately to keep one thing or other from crashing and burning. And we’re doing well just to make sure the kids are off to school wearing matching socks, and we don’t forget the big proposal on the kitchen table after working on it most of the night, and we’re getting most of our bills paid before they’re 30 days overdue.

Goal-setting? Forget about it. Attitude? Do you really want to know? Happiness? Come on!

And what about managing our money and taking control of our income? How’s that possible when we live paycheck to paycheck? As for our relationships—who would know? We hardly see each other or talk.

The signs of a life out of control may seem subtle: Your kids are growing up before your eyes, yet you hardly know them; you dread going to work at a job you’ve had for years; you want to say “no” before you even hear the question because saying “yes” means adding something to your plate.

Does any of this sound familiar? Is it normal to live a life out of control? Does it have to be?

The first step toward regaining control is examining your life and determining where you have problems. So take the self-assessment quiz that follows. Then read the insights offered by some of the best-respected experts and thought leaders.

You can change your attitude so you’re open to opportunities, so you feel it’s possible to chart your own course and drive your life forward. You can set goals—and you can reach them! Despite the economic chaos, you can take control of your income and start your own business. You can build wealth. You can reconnect with your family. And you can be happy.

Is Your Attitude Your Challenge?
Do you believe that now is the perfect time to seize opportunities?
Do you feel confident that your future is full of prosperity?
Do you believe that you have the skills and abilities to meet your goals?
Do you look at the challenging people in your life as teachers rather than enemies?
If you answered NO to 0-1 questions, congratulations! You have a winning attitude that inspires others and keeps you on track to your goals. If you answered NO to 2-4 questions, you may have a great attitude when things are going your way but struggle to stay positive in challenging times. Check out Jim Rohn’s advice for changing your attitude to change your life.

Are You Pursuing Your Goals?
Have you written down your long-term goals?
Have you written down a few things you want to achieve by the end of the year?
Have you developed specific steps to meet your larger goals, plus a way to measure your progress?
Do you meet your goals regularly and set new ones?
If you answered NO to 0-1 questions, congratulations! You are a champion goalsetter. If you answered NO to 2-4 questions, you could be settling for status quo instead of reaching for your dreams. Read Brian Tracy’s advice on goal-setting and achieving.

Is Your Life Fulfilling?
Do you feel like something is missing from your life?
Do you neglect your hobbies or interests in favor of daily tasks?
Do you find yourself watching the clock, waiting for the day to end?
Do you fill your downtime with mindless distractions like too much TV?
If you answered YES to 0-1 questions, congratulations! You balance your personal interests and passions with your responsibilities to stay happy and fulfilled. If you answered YES to 2-4 questions, it’s time to make a change and bring the joy back into your life. It’s never too late! Read Deepak Chopra’s advice on creating happiness.

Do You Need a Relationship Checkup?
Do you opt out of family activities because of work?
Do you think you’re too busy to connect with old friends?
Has your social life dwindled down to your spouse or co-workers?
During stressful times, do you avoid “burdening” others with your problems?
If you answered YES to 0-1 questions, congratulations! You’re doing a great job of making relationships a priority in your life. If you answered YES to 2-4 questions, don’t let another day go by without refocusing your daily life on what’s truly important: people. Read Richard Eyre’s advice on relationships.

Do You Have a Grip on Your Finances?
Do you know where your money goes each month?
Are you allotting money each month to your savings goals?
Do you feel in control of your credit card spending?
Are you on track to build wealth with your income?
If you answered NO to 0-1 questions, congratulations! Your money management skills are in top form. If you answered NO to 2-4 questions, you could be creating unnecessary financial stress and keeping yourself from achieving true wealth. Read Dave Ramsey’s advice on money management.

Do You Control Your Income?
If you face a layoff, do you have an alternate income source?
Do you feel you have just as much control over your financial situation in an economic downturn as you do in a boom?
Do you have a plan for building wealth?
Have you taken steps toward starting that business you’ve always dreamed of owning?
If you answered NO to 0-1 questions, congratulations! You understand the secret to building wealth is owning your own business. If you answered NO to 2-4 questions, there has never been a better time to take control of your life and your income. Read Robert Kiyosaki’s advice on entrepreneurship.