"Becoming an Entrepreneur" Infographic Book by Anna Vital
"Becoming an Entrepreneur" Infographic Book
by Anna Vital
Funders and Founders' visual book that shows you how to become an entrepreneur from idea to product to funding to scaling.
Everyone needs to feel important. To be important you need to create value. How do you create value when you don't have much? The best way to do it is by becoming an entrepreneur.
After reading this book you will learn how to create value. If you don't, you will get your money back :)
You might say you already read books on entrepreneurs, and they don't help. That is exactly the issue that bothered us for two years now.
Since then we founded an organization for people who took action and succeeded and we started our interviews with startup founders.
This book is crowd-written based on thousands of interviews and our collaboration with a community of 50,000 entrepreneurs who joined us on social media and at live events. Every page is written in collaboration with a visionary founder or investors like Tim Draper and Jeff Clavier. Then every page is shared with our community - and their reaction determines the future of the page - leave it as it is or make changes.
We contents of the book got published by Richard Branson and many magazines:

This book is infographic - infographics are visualizations that combine data and insight. After reading this book, you will close your eyes and you will see infographics - that's how effective and memorable they are.
In 200+ pages, in color you will go from having an idea to having a business.
Through the 50 infographics you will see experiences and data from over 2000 founders and investors that we interviewed for you.
Here are the contents of the book in a nutshell:
- The Minimum Viable Product - is your idea simple enough?
- Creating value - how to package and repackage value in a product
- Communicating your idea - pitching so that people understand
- How to raise money from investors, and much more
If you are not sure yet, just read this book.

Why an infographic book?
Infographics make information easier to read and easier to remember. We can fit a lot more insight and data into this book than we could have into any text-based book. That allows us to cover the entire topic of entrepreneurship in one book. (The truth is infographics is the future of how all information will look, but that is another story.)
Btw, a fun fact, like Richard Branson, a lot of entrepreneurs are dyslectic, including myself. Dyslexics are known to want to see the full picture all at once. Infographics do just that -show you the whole picture.

Why are we writing the book?
Our mission is to encourage everyone from a mom to an engineer to do a startup. Why? Both of us, myself and Vlad, my team, started on a traditional path. I was a startup lawyer and a linguist. I wrote about startups and interviewed more startup founders than I can remember. Vlad worked as an engineer for big corporations, putting his entrepreneur dreams on hold, but not for long. I was ready to use my linguistic skills to write the most comprehensive and innovative book on entrepreneurship. Vlad would make the distribution of the book easy and innovative using his tech skills. When we met we realized that each of us had the skills that together would create a way for people see the same opportunity we built for ourselves - startup entrepreneurship.
Examples of contents of the book
Ok, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. See for yourself.

And if you like your infographics really large, we make them into posters.

40% of the book is already written, now comes the part where we need collaboration with other graphic designers. And that's where you can help. And here is how.
Glad you asked, 'cause we're all about the VALUE proposition here.

Any reward level gets you a free e-book! As the campaign goes on, we will keep you in the loop. Be sure you will be the first to see the drafts of the newest infographics we make, and you can comment and suggest things.
The rewards will start shipping in March, and most rewards will be completed by June.
I wish you could just wear the book on your body ... the next best thing is a super slimming awesomely designed t-shirt. No self-respecting billion-strong demographic can go around this world without an exclusively designed-for-this-kickstarter t-shirt.
Yes, now you can test if people around you see things your way. Even if they can't read - because there are graphics on the back. The shirts are unisex.

Our vision is to deliver this book to every entrepreneur in the world - today that's a 400 million demographic - that's why we want to make it really affordable for everyone from your falafel maker to an investor. 1 dollar is all it takes for the e-book. If you pledge a dollar in this campaign though, not only will you get the book yourself, you will also make it possible for other entrepreneurs to get it later. So your pledge today makes a huge impact. After Kickstarter, the book will available on Amazon and iBooks, at a higher price than on Kickstarter. Limited Editions will only be available on during this campaign - and never again.
Every dollar that comes in will go towards this book's professional editing, adapting it for Kindle, iBooks and print, interviewing investors and entrepreneurs and high quality paper stock. A bit of the cost will go towards data-gathering and research - a lot of which we do by actually interviewing investors and entrepreneurs either in person or by phone (like real journalists). Most of the work (95%) we will execute ourselves. We will need one additional designer to help out at the end. High quality paper stock, and a glossy cover are a given. We are talking about the first infographic book about entrepreneurship - so every infographic will be out-of-this-world informative, well-researched, and well-designed. That means we will team up with the best editors and designers.
If we raise more than our goal, we will be excited to add more pages and translate the book into more languages.
Now is that time when you say, "This is so cool, I'll run and tell my friends." Or you can just sit and quietly enjoy knowing about this Kickstarter page.
Risks and challengesLearn about accountability on Kickstarter
I am excited and confident about this project. The main challenges I expect will be with making sure everyone who helps with the graphics gets their job done on time.
We have been doing infographics for a while now, so we set realistic time frames for everyone to get the graphics done on time. Plus, the project is so interesting that people are excited to work on it as fast as possible.
We also set realistic reward dates to make sure they show up at your doorstep on time. That's really important to us. We can't wait for you to read the book, so we will be working really hard in the next months to get it to you.
We have been doing infographics for a while now, so we set realistic time frames for everyone to get the graphics done on time. Plus, the project is so interesting that people are excited to work on it as fast as possible.
We also set realistic reward dates to make sure they show up at your doorstep on time. That's really important to us. We can't wait for you to read the book, so we will be working really hard in the next months to get it to you.
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