Saturday, January 08, 2011

5 Ways to Work Effectively, Anywhere By Allison Way

5 Ways to Work Effectively, Anywhere
By Allison Way

Entrepreneurs have been known to work in crazy places, at crazy hours, in crazy ways. You may see them typing away at a Starbucks, easily downing over 6 cups of black coffee. You may see them crunching numbers at the airport while stuffing their daughter's souvenir from Disney World into a suitcase. You may see them working in pajamas, on a park bench, in the car, upside-down, on the phone, in the basement. And no matter where these entrepreneurs are; they seem to always be working on something!

The most effective entrepreneurs, however, are the ones that sit down in a spot and focus solely on their work. From the local coffee shop to the business incubator, entrepreneurs know how to get work done. But what if I told you that entrepreneurs are most productive under certain "office" circumstances? Apply these aspects to whatever "workspace" you may be in and you will be a more productive entrepreneur all around:

1. Organize Your Work

A messy desk, a disorganized binder or an unfiltered email account does not make you look busier, it makes you look sloppy. Organize any workspace by:

Removing personal items from your desk
At the end of the day, throw away or recycle papers that you no longer need to carry with you
Use a spam blocker and filter through your email once a day to clean it out
Keep Post-Its at a minimum
Use an organizational binder or folder


Everybody's heard it: KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. When clutter is blocking your way of work, it is obviously doing you more harm than good. Only display office décor that truly makes you proud or is a very recent accomplishment. No need to thumbtack posters to the wall or keep a dead plant by the window.

3. Find a Style

If you have an office, home office, cubicle or just desk space in a business incubator, be sure that you find your own subtle style. If you decide to decorate with trinkets, err on the side of subtlety.

4. Find Inspiration in Your Workplace

An entrepreneur's work place must be inspirational. Since an entrepreneur must be creative all day long, they will often need stimulation throughout the workday to keep their brains firing. Find a place that inspires you! And once you have found that place, if possible, decorate it with more aspects that tend to inspire.

5. Get Comfortable

Entrepreneurs have been known to work long hours throughout the day. Therefore, you must be comfortable when you're working. Be sure to find a comfortable desk and a comfortable chair when you are doing work. At the same time, however, don't get too comfortable. Often times, reclining on a Lazyboy or lying on a bed while doing work can lead to a "leisurely" feel and can decrease the productivity of entrepreneurs.

No matter where you're working, be sure to implement these 5 key ingredients. It will boost your creativity, productivity and efficiency while at work!
Allison Way is a writer and videographer for Think Big Partners and bizperc, two of Kansas City's newest entrepreneurial resources. Allison also writes for the Think Big Kansas City Blog, the Kansas City Entrepreneurship Examiner, Helium, BrooWaha, and NewsVine.

Article Source:,-Anywhere&id=5666664


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