Sunday, July 29, 2007

March 7, 2007

Great Summary of the Secret
Posted by Dave Lorenzo - Business Coach

Working Solo has a great summary of The Secret for the self employed:

1. Intention rules all. Successful solo entrepreneurs understand that singleness of purpose is a potent force.

2. Clarity is crucial. Be specific in your targets.

3. Seek the joy. Chase passion, not profits.

4. Magnetize your connections. Be the type of person you want to associate with, the type of company you would like as a partner.

5. Take action. Merely thinking about having a successful company is not enough.

6. Expect the best. Expect great things from yourself and your company, and put forth the effort to build the professional foundation to support your aims.

7. Multiply the gratitude. Give thanks for all that you have, for no matter what your situation, there is much to be grateful for.


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