Friday, December 22, 2006

You MUST master these 3 Fundamental Coaching Business Skills

Skill #1 Talk about what you do as a coach in a compelling way

It’s amazing how many coaches really don’t do this very well. I guess they assume that because they can talk AND they know about what they do that they can talk about it well.

Here is what this looks like. You meet ANYONE and in 5-10 minutes you can:
a) Find out what they are doing with their life right now
b) Shift their thinking into game language
c) Ascertain if it is a meaningful game for them and why or why not
d) Share a few comments about how you help people win BIG games
e) Spark their curiosity about the game they are playing, is it the right game and how they could play it better

RATE YOURSELF on a scale of 1 - 5 (1 is 10%, 5 is 90% reliability)
You can boost your skill in the You Will Win With Me as Your Coach program.

Skill #2 Make an offer or extend an invitation
This skill is deceptively simple. You MUST make an offer and yet this is where the process oftens skreeches to a halt. Inner game conflicts galore come into the picture. Here is where you will have an opportunity to explore and understand every fear that is holding your business back.

IF you have a full practice, then you extend an invitation to an event that you are hosting.
The purpose of this event is for the person to get to know you better and choose to get on your new player waiting list.

IF you DON’T have a full practice, then you make an offer to do a complimentary session with them by phone or in person. My suggestion is that you call it a “Design Your Winnable Game” session. Any time you spend with someone designing a winnable game is time VERY WELL spent and as you’ll see in skill #3 is essential to signing paying clients.

RATE YOURSELF on a scale of 1 - 5 (1 is 10%, 5 is 90% reliability)
You can boost your skill in the Your Winning Season for Coaches program.

Skill #3 Conduct a complimentary session that creates a certainty gap
Conducting an effective complimentary session requires lots of skill and planning. Yet, the effectiveness really comes down to one thing: can you create a certainty gap? That means that in the conversation the player sees that they have a desire to play their game better AND that YOU can guide them toward that result; That you can help them WIN! You have inspired by spaking their desire to play and win AND established your credibility as a winning coach at the same time.

If the person is playing a game that you are not qualified to coach, you can still create value in helping to design the game AND they will often become a valued booster recommending potential clients to you

RATE YOURSELF on a scale of 1 - 5 (1 is 10%, 5 is 90% reliability)

There are actually 7 Yes’s that must occur in order to sign a new client and we explore them in detail in the You Will Win With Me as Your Coach program.
The Coaching Mastery Quick Start program will teach you the Design a Winnable Game method.

And the Your Winning Season program a) includes both of these programs AND creates a team environment for support, challenge and mastery.


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