Friday, February 25, 2011

The Greatest Gift
Just saying, reading or hearing 9/11 triggers a maelstrom of emotion

— unbearable sadness, grief, loss, fierce anger, betrayal, bewilderment, pride, patriotism, and for some, acceptance, forgiveness and peace.

This year as I feel the memory of 9/11 in my body, I have some new insight that is helping me to experience 9/11 differently.

“Ho’oponopono is a profound gift that allows one to develop a working relationship with the Divinity within and learn to ask in each moment, our error in thought, word, deed or action to be cleansed. The process is essentially about freedom, complete freedom from the past.”

— Morrnah Nalamaku Simeon, Ho’oponopono Master Teacher

To find and eventually share the gift of peace, we must train ourselves to look within rather than judge without.

“Wouldn’t it be great if the world would just change?”
“What If people would become more compassionate and generous?”
“Why can’t they stop all this political double speak and conflict?”
“I just don’t know why they can’t just accept each other’s differences without blowing each other to kingdom come.”
The world would be at peace, if they would just work with each other and be more tolerant.”

The truth is we have no control over what “they” do. But we do have total control over how we behave in our world. It is not what happens to us that determines our peace of mind — it’s how we respond to life’s challenges.

We are our own peacemakers. Peacemakers live by the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” We create peace within our families by supporting one another, giving and seeking support, as it is needed. We give and receive unconditional love. We all give and receive these gifts right where we are, in our homes, offices, our neighborhoods and our communities through the way we live our lives and make decisions.

We can make a difference in the world though the gifts we give and receive.
The Gift Of Love

“Peace Begins with You: Creating Peace Within Ourselves and In Our World.”
This gift is the conscious choice to reveal the best in people, other living creatures and any part of nature. By helping us perceive the beauty that surrounds us, it relieves our self-consciousness and helps us uplift others and ourselves.

How to use the gift of love: Look for the good in other people. Watch them closely, and listen to them carefully to discover what will bring out the joy in them. Then remind them of the unique talents, experience or character qualities they already have that ensure they can have what they want. Give them vivid accounts of instances when they used those traits. Watch the light go on in their eyes.
The Gift Of Dreams

This gift enables us to focus on whatever inspires or uplifts us, letting us play a part in the creation of a better world as we form good intentions and carry them out.

Access your dreams: Ask…

What would make me happy?

Why would it make me happy, and why is it important to me?

How will it benefit other people… and how will I act toward others when I have it?

When do I want it to happen?

Where will my dream take me when it comes true?
The Gift Of Courage

This gift involves taking concrete action to help us achieve the object of our love and dreams. Answering the question, “What am I willing to try?” makes change exciting, rather than frightening. It takes an act of courage to completely release an old hurt and forgive and let go. It is a step into the unknown. The reward of courage is freedom.
The Gift Of Unity

This gift joins us with other like-minded spirits to achieve a shared vision. It asks, “Who can I help?” “Who can help me?” “What can we accomplish together.”
The Gift Of Joy

This gift lets us take pleasure in what we have created, showing us that we are not here just to survive but to satisfy our souls and inspire others to do the same. Start a journal in which you can unleash your joy for a few minutes every day. Answer the questions…

What is going right at this moment?

Why does it make me happy?

How can I best respond to it?

Smile, just because it feels good!
The Gift Of Trust

This gift is the internal radar system that aligns our thoughts and actions to help us grow and makes us feel bad whenever we think, say or do anything that could be harmful.

When you feel stressed, call on your sense of trust. Stop whatever you are doing. Close your eyes… ask yourself what you should do now… take several deep breaths … and listen to your intuition before you take action.
The Gift Of Character

This gift understands who we are now and who we want to be. It reminds us of our authentic self and unique role in the universe.

How to become what you want to be: List all the traits you do not want… then, line by line, make a second list with exactly the opposite traits. Destroy the first list, rewrite the second list, and for each good trait think of at least one person you know who possesses it. Ask yourself, “Which trait would serve me best now?” and picture how your role model would act. After a while, your new traits will become natural.
The Gift Of Thanks

This gift lets us bless what we have achieved with our other gifts. By saying “This is good,” we enjoy a feeling of contentment that also lets us pour positive energy into others, helping them to use their own gifts.
The Gift Of Intention

This gift is the ability to choose a new direction or return to an old one, regardless of current circumstances. It asks the questions, “What now?” and “What next?” When we remind ourselves that “It ain’t over until it’s over,” we can decide to leave the past behind or trade something good for something even better.

In the year ahead, until we reach our next 9/11, resolve to be the kind of person you wish the rest of the world would be. It’s the greatest gift you can give yourself, our world and those we remember on this day.

This Blog was inspired by the sermons of Rev. Margee Grounds, Rev. Diane Brandenburg, Dr. Joe Vitale and the work of Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Changing our world for the better begins with us, right now, today.

In Love and Gratitude,

Copyright © Millionaire Minds, LLC 2007

All writings here are copyrighted. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts. And remember, You Have a Millionaire Mind!


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